Friday, February 22, 2013

Our Doctor is Fantastic

Both of my children had their appointments for their annual check ups this morning.  There was so much cause for frustration and living outside of the moment.  It was raining, my children were dawdling, the paperwork wasn't ready at the desk, and we were in the little holding cell for nearly an hour.  All of this with antsy 3- and 5-year-olds in tow is stressful and unpleasant.  Top that with the medical assistant coming in and telling us that the doctor delivered six babies last night and may end up canceling her appointments for the day, and I found myself in a foul mood.

Then, something happened.  She walked in the room and immediately engaged the children.  I knew she was exhausted and wanted to be at home in bed rather than talking to yet another mom about her kids.  Somehow, her professionalism won out, but there was more than that.  She was completely present in the room with us.

It was yet another lesson for me on remaining fully present and in the now.  She has been our doctor since I was expecting my first child, she was my OB, and she is our Family Practitioner.  We have always appreciated and respected the care she gives us, and now I understand why.  Even though she has hundreds of patients and an insane schedule, she has always been fully present towards our needs.  Part of it is because she is a "people-person", but part of it is because she knows how to practice in the moment.

I have never felt as though she devalues my family or our concerns, I have never felt as though she needs to rush out of the room to the next patient.  She enters the room with only our needs as her priority, and when she leaves the room I can tell she lets us go and prioritizes the family in the next room.  We have often said that if it wasn't for her, we'd find a new medical facility to serve our needs because it is a frustrating company to work with.  Our doctor is truly a rare find.  Through the act of simply remaining present, she can engage at a deeper and more concerned level.

Our doctor is admirable and present.  We are truly a fortunate family to have found someone so beautifully engaged.  It is giving me reason to pause and consider things about myself this morning.  Do I fully engage the moment, even when I feel ill or sleep-deprived?  How do I treat the time and concerns of those around me when their personal priorities are not the same as my own?  How can I practice living in the moment in such a way that I do not sacrifice my own needs, but still remain fully present?  I wish to make note of how my behaviors change when I am fully engaged versus simply going through the motions.

I deserve BEAUTY in my life!

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